English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙofa" zagaye ne, yawanci madauwari madauwari ko kulli da ake amfani da ita don buɗe ko rufe kofa ta hanyar juya ta. Yawancin lokaci ana maƙala da ƙofar tare da sandal wanda ke wucewa ta ƙofar kuma yana haɗa kullin a bangarorin biyu, yana ba da damar a juya shi don aiki da lak ɗin ƙofar da buɗe ko rufe ƙofar. Ƙofa yawanci ana yin su ne da abubuwa daban-daban kamar ƙarfe, itace, ko robobi, kuma suna iya samun ƙarin fasali kamar makullai ko abubuwan ado.


  1. doorhandle

Sentence Examples

  1. Gerald swallowed a lump in his throat and turned the doorknob.
  2. Panting, his shoulder sore and throbbing, Esteban eyed the doorknob.
  3. When I turned the doorknob, the door swung inward on well-oiled hinges.
  4. I looked over to see Hawke pulling at the doorknob as he twisted it to no avail.
  5. I wiggled the doorknob and, within moments, heard it being unlocked.
  6. He turned the doorknob fraction by fraction, using their moans to cover each movement.
  7. I walked up and turned the front doorknob, surprised when it opened.
  8. She reached for the doorknob, but drew back in pain the second her fingertips brushed it.
  9. The doorknob caught the side of his head painfully but his hands grasped it and kept him on his feet.
  10. I try again and to my surprise this time the doorknob turns in my grasp.