English to hausa meaning of

"dollar" an bayyana shi da: ainihin rukunin kuɗi na Amurka, Kanada, Ostiraliya, da wasu ƙasashe, daidai yake da cent 100. kowane nau'ikan kuɗi na yau da kullun na wasu ƙasashe, kamar Mexico, Japan, ko Taiwan, waɗanda kuma ana kiran su dala. coin ko lissafin wakiltar dala ɗaya. /li>Kalmar "dollar" ta samo asali ne daga kalmar Jamusanci "Thaler," wanda wani nau'i ne na tsabar azurfa da aka yi amfani da shi a Turai a karni na 16 da 17. An yi amfani da Thaler sosai a ƙasashen da Amurka ta yi wa mulkin mallaka kuma daga ƙarshe ya zama tushen dalar Amurka.

Sentence Examples

  1. The multi-million dollar estates climbed up the mountains, the entire city resembling a large half-circle, nestled between the tall mountains and the ocean.
  2. She handed me a twenty dollar bill and said that should cover things.
  3. Daddy kinda grabbed the twenty dollar bill I handed back to him.
  4. Together they were always a day late and a dollar short two scabs constantly picking at me.
  5. If I had a dollar for every time the Captain had tried to set me up with some young crewman, I could refurbish the entire sickbay, at least.
  6. It cost just over twelve dollar to place an ad that would run for a couple of weeks.
  7. He gave me a twenty dollar bill and told me to bring him the change.
  8. As soon as we sat down you rocked the table back and forth, grunted, then pulled a silver dollar from your pocket and stuck it under the short leg.
  9. No doubt House Staerleigh paid top dollar for them, he thought, a casual flick of his eyes enough for him to pick up a myriad of tiny details.
  10. A long table sat next to it piled with drugs and several stacks of hundred dollar bills.