English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “gidan kare” ƙaramin gida ne ko matsugunin kare ya kwana ko ya zauna. yana nufin zama cikin matsala ko rashin yarda da wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. The wind was blowing back the way he had come, which meant that it was blowing, more-or-less, away from the doghouse.
  2. He came through the thick brush and noted a large doghouse in front of him and to the right.
  3. Wind rubbed the trees together, so they moaned like cellos, pushed the warmth out of the house, and flipped the doghouse on its side.
  4. As he was repositioning himself he suddenly heard some movement coming from within the doghouse.
  5. By then Chocolate had calmed down and slunk back into the tree-line, heading for his doghouse again.
  6. Chocolate slowly started to emerge from the doghouse.
  7. Slowly, he looked up to see Chocolate crouched low in his doghouse and starring at him with those deep brown eyes, barring his shiny white teeth.
  8. He felt the wind shift ever-so-slightly as the hair on the back of his head moved in that direction the direction of the doghouse.
  9. It was time to let my spectacular curb appeal charm the rest before I found myself on the wrong side of town and living in a doghouse.