English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "doe" ita ce barewa, musamman ma macen Capreolus ko Odocoileus, yawanci mai launin ja-launin ruwan kasa ko launin toka. Har ila yau, kalmar tana iya nufin zomo, zomo, ko wasu dabbobi makamantansu. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "doe" don komawa ga mace gabaɗaya, musamman a yanayin takaddun doka ko a cikin waƙa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The coroner found what looks like a claw in victim number four, our Jane Doe.
  2. A doe and two long-legged spotted fawns stood not five yards from her, the doe broadside, presenting a perfect target.
  3. With a puzzled glare in her innocent doe eyes, the handmaiden pondered.
  4. The older doe hopped up onto the stand and began to nibble.
  5. A doe ferret rubs her itching side against a mossy rock.
  6. I felt like a doe standing in the forest, eye to eye with a cougar.
  7. We named the doe Scapegoat, put her in her own pen, and bottle-fed her, so she became as affectionate as a dog.
  8. She had the doe in her sights and her finger pressed hard on the trigger when one of the fawns perked its head up and turned enormous innocent eyes in her direction.