English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “docile” ita ce siffanta mutum ko dabba da ake koyar da su cikin sauƙi, horarwa, ko sarrafa su. Yana nuna yarda a yi jagoranci ko jagora, ba tare da juriya ko tawaye ba. Ana amfani da kalmar sau da yawa don siffanta mutane masu biyayya, masu biyayya, ko masu iya magana. Wasu ma'anoni ma'ana na docile sune masu yarda, biyayya, mai iya sarrafawa, m, tawali'u, da m. Antonyms of docile sun haɗa da taurin kai, ganganci, rashin biyayya, da kauri.

Sentence Examples

  1. Having thus answered the only objection that can ever be raised against me as a traveler, I here take a final leave of all my courteous readers, and return to enjoy my own speculations in my little garden at Redriff to apply those excellent lessons of virtue which I learned among the Houyhnhnms to instruct the yahoos of my own family, as far as I shall find them docile animals to behold my figure often in a glass, and thus, if possible, habituate myself by time to tolerate the sight of a human creature to lament the brutality of Houyhnhnms in my own country, but always treat their persons with respect, for the sake of my noble master, his family, his friends, and the whole Houyhnhnm race, whom these of ours have the honor to resemble in all their lineaments, however their intellectuals came to degenerate.
  2. Harriet certainly was not clever, but she had a sweet, docile, grateful disposition, was totally free from conceit, and only desiring to be guided by any one she looked up to.
  3. The now docile crowd watches the prince and the slave in profound bewilderment as they disappear into the night.
  4. He could not see his friend treated in this manner despite his docile disposition.