English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bambamci" ita ce:siffa - wanda za a iya gane shi ya bambanta a yanayi ko inganci da wani abu mai kama da irin wannan.Misali: "Biyu jinsin na tsuntsaye suna da siffofi dabam dabam na baki." a sauƙaƙe ko kuma a gane shi.Misali: "Akwai ƙamshin iskar gas a ɗakin." daban.Misali: "Kowane addini na daban yana da nasa ayyuka da imani na musamman."


  1. decided

Sentence Examples

  1. He had the distinct impression that she was not happy to have had to stop and pick him up, and that instilled a sense of urgency in him.
  2. There were some signs of a calm at noon, and these became more distinct as the sun descended toward the horizon.
  3. The murmur soon became more distinct it now seemed like a distant concert of human voices accompanied by brass instruments.
  4. It is notably distinct from the other two works and I try to imagine where such a painting might be found.
  5. Since they were very elderly, their age may have been a factor, but Cianne had the distinct impression that whatever was going on between them was being orchestrated, for the most part, by her father, Moiria, Elder Borean, and Elder Vorfarth.
  6. There was a distinct noise and she paused, trying to determine what it was.
  7. She felt a distinct pull toward Alec, and she looked up at him in surprise.
  8. At Hazeldene there was a distinct lack of male company.
  9. I had the distinct feeling he was trying to hide me.
  10. I got the distinct impression she was hiding something.