English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar kamus na “dissection” ita ce aikin yanke a tsanake da nazarin sassan wani abu, musamman gawa, domin fahimtar tsarinsa da aikinsa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin nazari ko wargaza wani tsari ko ra'ayi mai sarkakiya a cikin sassansa guda daya domin fahimtar ko bayyana shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. I call up to Brian and ask him to check on Janet at noon or so and make sure she comes to dissection.
  2. As tradition demanded, most of them were embalmed after dissection.
  3. He picks up his probe, gets back to work and he completes his portion of the dissection without a hitch.
  4. The day goes by in a blur, at least until dissection.
  5. Just get some rest, and come to dissection this afternoon.
  6. I talk briefly with Joseph and Paula we agree to meet up after dissection tomorrow to go over the case.
  7. I have to rush back the other way to make it to dissection in time.
  8. Another room was clearly designed for dissection, with the remnants of disassembled test subjects lining the walls, dried or preserved in jars.
  9. We can form our own groups if we like, rather than be assigned randomly, and all of us in our dissection group opt to do this together as well.