English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "dissect" ita ce a tsattsage ko bincika wani abu don yin nazari ko nazarin tsarinsa, sassansa, ko halayensa. Wannan na iya shafi batutuwa da dama, gami da samfuran halittu, rubutun adabi, muhawara, ko ra'ayoyi. Tsarin rarraba abu sau da yawa ya ƙunshi raba shi zuwa sassansa ko sassansa, da yin nazarin kowannensu dalla-dalla don fahimtar yadda suke aiki tare gaba ɗaya. Rarraba hanya ce ta gama gari da ake amfani da ita a cikin binciken kimiyya, ilimi, da sauran fagage inda bincike na kusa da fahimtar sarkar tsarin ke da mahimmanci.

Sentence Examples

  1. They might dissect Potat too while they were at it.
  2. The adults would make Antaska stay on the Verdante planet and probably dissect her to further their knowledge of Earthlings.
  3. Alicia proves harder to dissect, fresh out of Florida State with a public relations degree, very sweet and polite but either told not to say much or is feeling self-conscious about doing so.
  4. I do not want to kill and dissect myself any longer, to find a secret behind the ruins.
  5. He loves to dissect one of these cancers of the mind, and to trace all the subtle ramifications of its roots.
  6. I searched Atman, I searched Brahman, I was willing to to dissect my self and peel off all of its layers, to find the core of all peels in its unknown interior, the Atman, life, the divine part, the ultimate part.