English to hausa meaning of

Sentence Examples

  1. Like before, Rune buckled under the impact as it flowed into him until she disrupted the stream.
  2. The crowd were now shouting and calling and booing the intruders that had disrupted their proud town moment.
  3. The cawing ceased when winged, stony-scaled manatees disrupted them, swallowing whole the few that lingered.
  4. In his concealment, Sabienn was hoping the leaves left him in disrupted pattern and he kept dead still.
  5. Rune looked out, examining the disrupted grays and white of the current.
  6. When multitasking, declarative memory is disrupted.
  7. Suddenly, the sound of chairs scraping disrupted our desires, and we stood as if by second nature, to greet our long-awaited company.
  8. The last uninjured hound disrupted my evaluation of the humans.
  9. But the porcupine, squealing and grunting, with disrupted anatomy trying feebly to roll up into its ball-protection, flicked out its tail again, and again the big cat squalled with hurt and astonishment.
  10. Just outside the tent, a familiar ruckus disrupted the silence and the tent flaps were thrown back as a pair of warriors hauled Kallan into the tent squirming, kicking, and cursing.