English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “hali” tana nufin halaye na hankali da ɗabi’a na mutum, ko ɗabi’a ko sha’awar aikata ta wata hanya. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yin watsi da ko tsara wani abu ta wata hanya ta musamman, ko sasantawa ta ƙarshe, kamar shari'a ko dukiya. Bugu da ƙari, a cikin mahallin binciken likita ko na kimiyya, "halaye" na iya nufin hanyar da ake rushe wani abu ko wani abu da kuma kawar da shi daga jiki.


  1. disposal

Sentence Examples

  1. The innkeeper had a wife whose disposition was not such as those of her calling commonly have, for she was by nature kind-hearted and felt for the sufferings of her neighbours, so she at once set about tending Don Quixote, and made her young daughter, a very comely girl, help her in taking care of her guest.
  2. John, a man of generous disposition, as was shown by his extreme liberality to his brother, the famous John Andrea Doria and what made his death the more sad was that he was slain by some Arabs to whom, seeing that the fort was now lost, he entrusted himself, and who offered to conduct him in the disguise of a Moor to Tabarca, a small fort or station on the coast held by the Genoese employed in the coral fishery.
  3. He was wearing the same threadbare gray suit he was born in, with a gut like a broken barrel of jello, a disposition like a bucket of bent nails, and two mean and beady black eyes that shot holes through you like you were a paper target.
  4. To this his answer was that he thanked me for the disposition I showed to do honour to him and to regard myself as honoured by the bestowal of his treasure but that as my father was alive it was his by right to make this demand, for if it were not in accordance with his full will and pleasure, Luscinda was not to be taken or given by stealth.
  5. He was one of the kindest people I knew, and he was blessed with the type of disposition that prompted him to find the bright side of every situation, and the good in everyone.
  6. My father went beyond liberality and bordered on prodigality, a disposition by no means advantageous to a married man who has children to succeed to his name and position.
  7. She has the disposition and plenty of opportunity.
  8. Don Quixote thanked them for their advice and for the disposition they showed to do him a favour, and said that for the present he would not, and must not go to Seville until he had cleared all these mountains of highwaymen and robbers, of whom report said they were full.
  9. The backs of the seats were thrown back, bedsteads carefully packed were rolled out by an ingenious system, berths were suddenly improvised, and each traveller had soon at his disposition a comfortable bed, protected from curious eyes by thick curtains.
  10. He was, as has been said, standing on Rocinante, with his arm passed through the hole and his wrist tied to the bolt of the door, and in mighty fear and dread of being left hanging by the arm if Rocinante were to stir one side or the other so he did not dare to make the least movement, although from the patience and imperturbable disposition of Rocinante, he had good reason to expect that he would stand without budging for a whole century.