English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "zuba" ita ce kawar da wani abu ko tsarawa ko sanya wani abu ta wata hanya ta musamman. Hakanan yana iya nufin karkata wani zuwa ga wani ra'ayi na musamman ko canjawa ko ba da dukiya ko kadarorin ga wani. Bugu da ƙari, "zuba" na iya nufin yanayin tunanin wani ko niyyar yin wani abu.

Sentence Examples

  1. If only I could dispose of these painful and repressed memories with the same ease.
  2. We can dispose of the business, if we please, in an hour, for I have received a letter from M.
  3. Then I held it open so Calvin could dispose of his trash the same way.
  4. He concluded by calling for an investigation, which might dispose of the calumnious report before it had time to spread, and restore M.
  5. We hire them quietly, then dispose of them quickly.
  6. The first is, by knowing how, with prudence, to dispose of a wife, a daughter, or a sister the second, by betraying or undermining his predecessor and the third is by a furious zeal in public assemblies against the corruptions of the court.
  7. And like a true Indian, he settled down to trade carefully and slowly, even if it took all summer and the rest of the winter to dispose of his goods.
  8. She made sure to dispose of the creatures and clean up the wood before Vance arrived, so he had no idea.
  9. While my acquaintances went unhesitatingly into trade or the professions, I contemplated this occupation as most like theirs ranging the hills all summer to pick the berries which came in my way, and thereafter carelessly dispose of them so, to keep the flocks of Admetus.
  10. Least of all, do they thus dispose of the murdered.