English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "za'a iya zubarwa" wani abu ne da aka tsara don a yi amfani da shi sau ɗaya ko sau kaɗan sannan a jefar da shi, maimakon a ajiye shi ko sake amfani da shi. Yana nufin abubuwa ko samfuran da aka yi niyyar jefar da su bayan amfani guda ɗaya ko ɗan gajeren lokacin amfani, yawanci saboda ba su da tsada ko kuma ba a yi niyya don amfani na dogon lokaci ba. Misalan abubuwan da za a iya zubarwa sun haɗa da faranti na takarda, kayan yankan filastik, reza masu amfani guda ɗaya, da diapers ɗin da za a iya zubarwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Zeke opened up a disposable cell phone, activated it, and called a special set of digits.
  2. The disposable leader gripped the podium with both hands.
  3. The world was fast running out of just about everything, but Kyle figured he could easily loot a lifetime supply of disposable razors.
  4. Three days later, we bought a disposable cell phone.
  5. He fished a short disposable bottle and a can of baby formula out of his big green case.
  6. Villagrana turned and unlocked a drawer of his desk, slipping out a prepaid, cheap and disposable cell phone.
  7. He washed and made use of a disposable razor left by his room service and rubbed his teeth liberally with some baking soda.
  8. Buy a disposable cell phone once a week, call the number in your envelope, and use the password as well.
  9. Jobs and disposable income are critical components at home, as is locating a workforce abroad who can produce goods to import for low wages.
  10. A few other odds and ends, another two prepaid disposable phones and a pack of batteries for them.