English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bayarwa" ita ce rarraba ko ba da wani abu, yawanci kaya, ayyuka, ko bayanai, ga wani ko ƙungiyar mutane. Hakanan yana iya nufin keɓancewa ko kawar da buƙatu ko ƙa'ida.

Sentence Examples

  1. The universe had dispensed its own justice in the end.
  2. This liquid dispensed out of the sprinklers is filled with the biological weapon.
  3. One gesture of kindness dispensed to those who have never experienced kindness, Brings God and his Infinite bliss closer to you.
  4. Noa had dispensed with propriety the instant they hit the roof.
  5. They would clean up some areas in Van Nuys in the morning while Jenny decided how best the school lessons should be dispensed.
  6. He diagnosed Wendy with bronchitis and prescribed antibiotics and cough medicine, which his assistant dispensed.
  7. He reefed all sail, the pole-masts were dispensed with all hands went forward to the bows.
  8. She looked marvellously beautiful in her deep mourning dress, and Morrel experienced such intense delight in gazing upon her that he felt as if he could almost have dispensed with the conversation of her grandfather.
  9. Their filters had been removed and the justice they dispensed was a little more direct and violent.
  10. As Duncan could only act as the representative of the commandant of the fort, the ceremonies which should have accompanied a meeting between the heads of the adverse forces were, of course, dispensed with.