English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "damuwa" shine jin tsoro, firgita, ko rashin jin daɗi da ya haifar da wani abu mara dadi ko ba zato ba tsammani. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayin ƙararrawa, damuwa, ko karaya wanda ke zuwa daga jin gajiya ko rashin taimako yayin fuskantar yanayi mai wahala.


  1. alarm
  2. consternation

Sentence Examples

  1. Thou dost mark well, faithful and trusty squire, the gloom of this night, its strange silence, the dull confused murmur of those trees, the awful sound of that water in quest of which we came, that seems as though it were precipitating and dashing itself down from the lofty mountains of the Moon, and that incessant hammering that wounds and pains our ears which things all together and each of itself are enough to instil fear, dread, and dismay into the breast of Mars himself, much more into one not used to hazards and adventures of the kind.
  2. It was the shiny gold camisole underneath that made the whole ensemble pop to my dismay.
  3. Tarkyn wondered, with a frisson of dismay, where the woodfolk had procured it.
  4. I sighed, shook my head in dismay and, camera over the shoulder, picked one and started climbing.
  5. Too helpless to change the fates, too stunned to cry or weep, they only looked on in silence and dismay.
  6. The main fury of the blast had already blown over, and we apprehended little danger from the violence of the wind but we looked forward to its total cessation with dismay well believing, that, in our shattered condition, we should inevitably perish in the tremendous swell which would ensue.
  7. He shook his head in dismay, realizing anew the enormity of the task before him.
  8. Both its swords crashed into him simultaneously, and it was all I could do to keep from shouting in dismay.
  9. Arthur shook his head in dismay at the sight of homeless people dumpster-diving for food, at the run-down, graffiti-covered, dilapidated homes and apartment complexes, at the prison-like housing projects.
  10. But this feeling did not fail to die rapidly away, and thereunto succeeded horror, and dismay, and a chilling sense of utter helplessness and ruin.