English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “ɓoye” ita ce canza kamanni, ɗabi’a, ko murya don ɓoye ainihin mutum ko bayyana a matsayin wani ko wani abu dabam. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa ga zahiri ko sifar da ake nufi don ɓoye ainihin yanayin wani abu. Ƙari ga haka, tana iya komawa ga tufa ko tufa da ake sawa don ɓoye ainihin mutum ko don ƙirƙirar wata siffa ta daban don wata manufa.


  1. camouflage

Sentence Examples

  1. Nearly every person was dressed in an ivory cloak that matched uncannily with the buildings they poured forth from, heavy cowls pulled up to disguise their features.
  2. Stormaway stayed in disguise until he had run loudly past the village pub of Wooding Deep, making sure people had time to catch sight of him.
  3. To his utter amazement, he recognised Passepartout, despite his theatrical disguise.
  4. I looked at the powdered bloodrock and wondered if it was worth formulating a disguise for myself.
  5. Stormaway wandered down to the docks and, when he had located the Roving Seadog, assumed his Tarkyn disguise once more and headed purposefully towards the shabby old trading vessel.
  6. Careful not to let the witches know where I was headed, I threaded through the crowd, stopping to mingle to disguise my movements.
  7. I worried she was clever enough to disguise her penmanship on the notes.
  8. We can pack away the food and put out the fire, then scatter leaves and forest debris to disguise our presence within minutes.
  9. I am sure they can find the time to disguise my footsteps.
  10. Once more he assumed his disguise of long black hair, creating an increased sense of height and hauteur.