English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "gano" ita ce gano wani abu ko wani wanda ba a san shi ba ko ɓoye, sau da yawa ta hanyar kwatsam ko kuma ta hanyar ganganci. Hakanan yana iya nufin bayyanawa, buɗewa, ko sanar da wani abu wanda yake a baya asirce ko wanda ba a sani ba. Wato ganowa shine sanin wani abu da a baya yake boye ko ba a sani ba, ko kuma bayyanar da wani abu wanda a baya gaibu ko wanda bai bayyana ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Hopefully no one would ever discover that the latch was loose.
  2. It surprised me to discover Myriam Castle was one of the professors who worked for Abby in the communications department.
  3. Despite my eagerness to discover what has happened, I drive carefully up the steep rise that separates Máguez from Haría, avoiding the silt smears on the road.
  4. Long enough for the police to discover a body and knock on my door.
  5. After I finally escaped the well, I had come home only to discover my whole family slaughtered.
  6. They stroll along amicably, admiring the boats, although they quickly discover that neither of them know much about sailing.
  7. Would things be different once they managed to untangle the threads and discover what was happening in House Staerleigh?
  8. But any hacker with an ounce of know-how could discover the identity of a blogger.
  9. He just preferred to keep his memories, both good and bad, sealed up in a box, away from prying eyes who might try to discover his strengths and weaknesses.
  10. Everything inside me wanted to claim him, to take him into my bed and, maybe later, if I got to know him better, if I could discover his secrets, I could see him finding a way into my heart.