English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus, kalmar “ƙaunatacciya” fi’ili ce da ke da ma’anoni kamar haka:Don sa wani ya rasa kwarin gwiwa ko sha’awa; don tada hankali ko bacin rai. Misalin jumla: Sukar da akai-akai ta hana shi ci gaba da burinsa. don hanawa. Misalin jumla: Ta yi ƙoƙari ta hana kawarta ta yin kasada mara amfani. Don hana ko hana wani abu faruwa ko ci gaba; don hana. Misalin jumla: Yanayin ruwan sama ya hana ayyukan waje. don ragewa ko damtse. Misalin jumla: Rashin tallafi ya hana yunƙurin aiwatar da sabuwar manufar. don suka ko suka. Misalin jumla: Malamin ya hana yin magudi a jarrabawa ta hanyar aiwatar da tsauraran hukunce-hukunce. ma'ana ko nuances na iya kasancewa a cikin takamaiman ƙamus ko mahallin al'adu.


  1. deter

Sentence Examples

  1. This rantipole hero had for some time singled out the blooming Katrina for the object of his uncouth gallantries, and though his amorous toyings were something like the gentle caresses and endearments of a bear, yet it was whispered that she did not altogether discourage his hopes.
  2. You knew Pyrrha was my daughter and I would not have approved, and you could have taken steps to discourage her and Artemis from walking these precarious roads.
  3. The wealthy and principal men in New England, in the beginning of the colonies, commenced their first dwelling houses in this fashion for two reasons firstly, in order not to waste time in building, and not to want food the next season secondly, in order not to discourage poor laboring people whom they brought over in numbers from Fatherland.
  4. I put the pistol before me on the table, so, to discourage treachery.
  5. Listen to me, you were right to want to know its worth, but I would discourage you from trying to sell it.
  6. And I knew that I should discourage him, but it was hard for me to do that.
  7. One of the other tarts moves to sit on my lap, but I gently push her off, crossing my legs to discourage any further attempts.
  8. The side of the building had been boarded up, over the truck-sized hole, and it looked like they had also put up rebar and galvanized steel chain-link fencing to discourage further intrusion.
  9. But it will discourage anything as impaired as Ann has become.