English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "katse" shine a rabu ko a'a a haɗa ta jiki, zamantakewa, ko ta jiki. Hakanan yana iya nufin wani abu wanda bai dace ba ko kuma bai dace da wani abu ba. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya kwatanta ji na rashin hankali ko rashin fahimtar manufa ko alkibla.

Sentence Examples

  1. Kallan sighed as she tried to sort through her disconnected and jumbled thoughts.
  2. When he disconnected from the call, he accepted the drink Rand offered.
  3. Daddy had disconnected the STOP sign that stuck out from the bus when it stopped and the doors opened.
  4. The forest guardian thanked it hurriedly and disconnected.
  5. As she suspected, they had simply disconnected the communications line.
  6. The conversation, beginning with a few disconnected phrases, soon gave place to loud and steady snores.
  7. Disconnected from the uproar of welcome, Kallan sat, allowing the emptiness to engulf her.
  8. The very basis of this new connectivity circuit is driving us to become aloof and disconnected from each other.
  9. Moments later light poured painfully into his eyes and the room seemed like a nightmare, surreal and disconnected, silent as the grave and full of death.
  10. It sobbed as it stumbled and babbled intermittently with disconnected slurs and cries until a boy, bathed in blood, emerged from the fog, cradling the remains of a second much smaller boy.