English to hausa meaning of

Bisa ga ƙamus, kalmar "dirk" tana da ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni kaɗan: Suna: Dirk gajere ce, wuƙa ce madaidaiciya, madaidaiciyar wuka, yawanci tare da tukwici mai nuni da ruwa mai kaifi ɗaya. Yawancin lokaci ana danganta shi da al'adun Scotland kuma a wasu lokuta ana sawa a matsayin wani ɓangare na tufafin gargajiya na Scotland. tashin hankali ko tashin hankali. ana iya la'akari da abin ban haushi a wasu mahallin.Yana da mahimmanci a lura cewa ma'anar kalmomi na iya bambanta dangane da bambance-bambancen yanki ko al'adu, kuma yana da kyau koyaushe a tuntuɓi ƙamus tabbatacce don mafi inganci kuma na zamani ma'anar.

Sentence Examples

  1. Edgar screamed as the bone in his wrist snapped and the dirk fell harmlessly to the ground beside him.
  2. Edgar had delivered only one blow before Regan had her dirk at his throat.
  3. She jumped, and the dirk that she had been using to chop leeks for soup slipped and cut deeply into her finger.
  4. In two places on the Alban front, the dirk men created panic among the Norse, who backed off, slashing downward in desperation.
  5. The men in chain carried double-handed swords and a handful of throwing darts, while the others had spears, short, sturdy bows or the arm-length Highland dirk all walked with the arrogant swagger of Gaelic fighting men.
  6. He whirled, just in time to see Edgar rushing toward him with a dirk in his hand.
  7. Holding onto the image of Calder was the only thing that kept her from such an abysmal despair, that only pulling out her dirk and plunging it into either Edgar or herself could end it.
  8. Any thugs who thought to cross her would find a woman capable of defending herself in nearly any situation, and one that Drianna knew would be armed with a long and exceptionally sharp dirk.
  9. He strode over to Edgar and sliced through the rope with his dirk.
  10. There was also a helmet of plain steel that fitted close to her head and a long-bladed dirk that she secreted under her left arm.