English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "diflomasiyya" tana da alaƙa da tafiyar da dangantakar ƙasa da ƙasa ko fasahar yin shawarwari tsakanin ƙasashe. Yana iya nufin yin amfani da dabara da azanci wajen mu’amala da mutane, musamman a cikin yanayi mai wuya ko mawuyaci. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga ikon sarrafa bayanai masu mahimmanci da sadarwa yadda ya kamata tare da ƙungiyoyin mutane daban-daban. Gabaɗaya, kalmar “diflomasiyya” tana da alaƙa da ƙwarewa kamar hankali, ladabi, da sadarwa mai inganci don cimma nasarar da ake so.

Sentence Examples

  1. It all began when her father had been offered an important diplomatic post in France, which resulted in her family making the move away from Tyneside.
  2. Pointless and ineffective, this kind of international rock throwing only ratcheted up the already tense economic and diplomatic environment of modern Sino-American relations.
  3. To hear Jojin did not find a diplomatic way in refusing a contract for services from Pah and the baron came as no shock to me.
  4. That seemed to make the neighbors happy, so she considered it a good diplomatic move on his part.
  5. I can see he has a diplomatic streak in there somewhere.
  6. He reeked of booze so I realized he may not be in his diplomatic mode.
  7. Washington then communicated its concerns through both front and back diplomatic channels.
  8. She thanked me coolly, and although she assured me that Sarah would be afforded every privilege associated with being a diplomatic guest, I got the impression she was not happy about my departure with the security service guys.
  9. Bernard thought it diplomatic to stay quiet for a while.
  10. She mixed up hostilities with compliments addressed to the king, and questions as to his health, with little maternal flatteries and diplomatic artifices.