English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ding" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma wasu ma'anoni gama gari sun haɗa da: (fi'ili) don yin sautin ringi, yawanci tare da kararrawa ko wani abu. abu mai ƙarfe (fi'ili) don haɗe ko lalata ƙasa ta hanyar buga shi ko buga shi noun) a harsh criticism or rebuke Misalai: Na ji kararrawa tana kara yayin da lif ya iso kan bene na. Wani ne da gangan ya dira kofar motata da keken siyayyarsu. ba ya mayar da aikin gida akan lokaci.

Sentence Examples

  1. Charlie rag dolled to the floor, dropping the wrench which made a metallic ding, the phone went flying across the back of the room.
  2. Then a ding occurred, along with a green light in the button at the top of the scanner.
  3. Her balled hands fell to her sides as the sharp ding announced their arrival on the correct floor and the metal cage opened.
  4. I sat on the top step of the first set of stairs with my chin in my hands until I heard the microwave ding, then walked downstairs and went into the kitchen.
  5. She had checked the last corner and was bolting for the emergency staircase when she heard a ding from the elevator.