English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "cin abinci" shine cin abincin dare ko cin abinci. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa cin abinci na yau da kullun ko kyawawa, yawanci da yamma, sau da yawa a gidan abinci ko wurin taron jama'a. Kalmar “cin abinci” kuma tana iya nufin aikin baƙon nishadi da ba su abinci, musamman a yanayi na yau da kullun ko na ƙayatarwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The next day he went to dine with his friend, and was welcomed by Camilla, who received and treated him with great cordiality, knowing the affection her husband felt for him.
  2. He later tried to wine and dine her, which started changing her mind.
  3. The next day Anselmo took his departure for the village, leaving instructions with Camilla that during his absence Lothario would come to look after his house and to dine with her, and that she was to treat him as she would himself.
  4. However, as they are so very desirous to have dear Emma dine with them, and as you will both be there, and Mr.
  5. But if you want to shew him any attention, my dear, ask him to come and dine with us some day.
  6. Sometimes I dine with my neighbours and friends, and often invite them my entertainments are neat and well served without stint of anything.
  7. The wedding over, and the bride-people gone, her father and herself were left to dine together, with no prospect of a third to cheer a long evening.
  8. A hideaway on the edge of the city, somewhere for the rich and powerful to conduct secret deals, where local politicians wine and dine with members of the board and palms are greased with fat wads of cash.
  9. Elton a most valuable, amiable, pleasing young man undoubtedly, and very much in love with Harriet but still, he cannot refuse an invitation, he must dine out wherever he is asked.
  10. Late that night by candlelight The Lord began to dine, But then he gasped, his throat he clasped and perished in his wine!