English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "raɓa" ita ce damshin da ke tasowa a saman sama a cikin dare, lokacin da zafin jiki ya faɗi ƙasa da wurin raɓa kuma iska ta yi sanyi ta yadda ba za ta iya ɗaukar duk wani tururin ruwa ba. Ana ganin raɓa a matsayin ƙananan ɗigon ruwa waɗanda ke taruwa akan ciyawa, ganye, da sauran filaye. Hakanan za a iya amfani da kalmar “raɓa” a misalta don yin nuni ga wani abu mai ban sha’awa, mai laushi, ko kuma mai tsafta, kamar yadda yake cikin jimlar “raɓar ƙuruciya.”

Sentence Examples

  1. Kallan moved her fingers against the soft furs on her bed, and the silks brought from the east, but touched cold dew instead.
  2. A piece of cardboard, slick with dew and other unspeakable liquids from the alley, slid underfoot as he stepped on it.
  3. Whatever the case, Jake strode along the footpath, his mind free of bothersome thoughts, enjoying the sweetness of the dew and the bird songs.
  4. For example, there may be a deposition of dew upon the silk, to the extent, even, of several hundred pounds ballast has then to be thrown out, or the machine may descend.
  5. When the morning dew settled and the clear blue sky broke over town, the officers felt the remnants of the thundering clash of the motel explosion.
  6. Soft fibers clung to vibrant pink flowers and succulent orange petals dripped with dew.
  7. Wind blew through the gaps in the stone, and morning dew was settled on the stain glass windows.
  8. This ballast being discarded, and a clear sunshine evaporating the dew, and at the same time expanding the gas in the silk, the whole will again rapidly ascend.
  9. The morning dew on the windshield gave everything a fuzzy appearance.
  10. The wind passed through the city with the taste of a sweet cold as if it carried the morning dew of a distant land.