English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar " sadaukarwa" ita ce ba da lokaci, ƙoƙari, ko kulawa ga wani aiki, aiki, ko manufa. Hakanan yana iya nufin ƙaddamar da kai gaba ɗaya ga wani tafarki na aiki ko imani.

Sentence Examples

  1. They felt it might be a being partially benighted in the vale of ignorance, but it could not be one who would willingly devote his rich natural gifts to the purposes of wanton treachery.
  2. He feels that every man owes a tribute to his country some contribute their talents, others their industry these devote their blood, those their nightly labors, to the same cause.
  3. To this one purpose I must now devote all my energies.
  4. I will join my mother, and I will devote myself to helping her and her allies.
  5. It is only my excuse as to why I cannot devote enough time to helping you with the other people in the village.
  6. I have asked the Brahmans, year after year, and I have asked the holy Vedas, year after year, and I have asked the devote Samanas, year after year.
  7. Indeed, he had never been able to lose or devote himself completely to another person, to forget himself, to commit foolish acts for the love of another person never he had been able to do this, and this was, as it had seemed to him at that time, the great distinction which set him apart from the childlike people.
  8. We could also devote a longer period of time to an assignment.
  9. John Knightley seemed early to devote himself to the business of being agreeable.
  10. It seemed as if they had profited by the short truce, to devote an instant to the purest and best affection the daughters forgetting their fears, and the veteran his cares, in the security of the moment.