English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ci gaba" shine tsarin girma ko ci gaba, yawanci a wani yanki ko fage. Yana iya komawa ga ci gaba da inganta mutum, ƙungiya, al'umma, ko al'umma ta fuskar fuskarsu, tattalin arziki, zamantakewa, ko al'adu. Kalmar kuma na iya nufin aikin ƙirƙira ko haɓaka wani abu, kamar samfur, fasaha, ababen more rayuwa, ko tsari. Ci gaba na iya haɗawa da matakai daban-daban, kamar tsarawa, ƙira, aiwatarwa, da kimantawa, kuma galibi yana buƙatar albarkatu, kamar lokaci, kuɗi, da jarin ɗan adam.

Sentence Examples

  1. I require regular updates on any development to do with this incident, no matter how loosely connected it may appear.
  2. Such a development was not only surprising, but in its own way, alarming.
  3. I surmise that Benicod was, is, or would be gaining enormous wealth out of some sort of development.
  4. Child development experts may have good explanations on why it has to be this way, but I wonder if non-human reasons are also part of why we start our journey here in the quietness, experiencing a peace we may spend the rest of our lives trying to rediscover.
  5. I have said enough to convince you that ciphers of this nature are readily soluble, and to give you some insight into the rationale of their development.
  6. Silva, and Noriko for providing insight and perspective during the development of the story, setting, and character arcs.
  7. This development, however, shocked the rest of the pack.
  8. It was by rumor only, up to the day of his death, that we knew of any other development of manner or character.
  9. Construction is going on all over the place, with all the road works, cranes and dump trucks commensurate with the development.
  10. In fact, with the latest OmniLab development, it had just complicated issues.