English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus na Turanci na Oxford, mai haɓakawa mutum ne ko kamfani wanda ke haɓaka wani abu, yawanci dukiya, software, ko samfur. Kalmar “haɓaka” a wannan mahallin tana nufin ƙirƙira ko inganta wani abu, sau da yawa ta ƙara sabbin abubuwa ko ayyuka. A cikin mahallin haɓaka software, mai haɓakawa shine wanda ke rubutawa, gwadawa, da kiyaye lambar don shirye-shiryen kwamfuta, aikace-aikace, da gidajen yanar gizo. A cikin gidaje, mai haɓakawa shine wanda ya sayi filaye ko kadarori kuma ya yi gine-gine ko kuma ya inganta kayan da ake da su don kasuwanci ko na zama.

Sentence Examples

  1. The developer said that, when he went out there, Curtis took a shot at him.
  2. I found out much later that he was having a dry spell after losing his studio space to a property developer from Alicante, who bought the semi-derelict building to convert into holiday lets and turfed Celestino out.
  3. The developer agreed not to press charges if Curtis would sell him a portion of the land.
  4. Chris lives in the Kansas City area with his wife and kids where he works from home as a software developer and writes in his free time.
  5. Vuong Dinh was a fifty-four-year-old property developer who lived in a mansion-like home overlooking the Red River.