English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hana" wani abu ne da ke hana ko hana wani yin wani abu ta hanyar haifar da tsoro, ko shakka, ko rashin tabbas. Hakanan yana iya nufin wani makami na soja ko dabara ko tsarin da aka ƙera don kawar da abokan gaba daga kai hari ko ɗaukar wani mataki mai tsanani. A matsayin sifa, "haɗawa" na iya kwatanta wani abu da ke da wannan tasirin mai ban tsoro ko kuma an ƙera shi don hana.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her presence in the world would be the best deterrent to keep him away from the Glade and the source of their magic.
  2. Just having him stand behind the chairs the ladies sat in was a huge deterrent.
  3. The text was intend-ed, that is, to act as a deterrent, filtering those who remained apathetic, unmoved or incapable of getting his humour.
  4. If she is found guilty and executed, we will be following the path that believes taking the life of a criminal is a deterrent to serious crime.
  5. Maybe the thing with Aphrodite has given him a fresh perspective, or maybe my new connection to the Froekn is a deterrent.
  6. For example, as we rode around Nairobi we noticed an innovative Kenyan deterrent to the type of auto parts theft we had seen in Maputo.
  7. On the other hand, it serves as a deterrent to the men who express their admiration and lecherous thoughts with their stares.
  8. The Alliance had ways of harnessing magic like electricity using offworld technology, less damaging than an actual electric fence, but just as much of a deterrent.
  9. Watching his band practice was just the deterrent I needed.
  10. These guards provided a deterrent to petty burglars, but not to serious criminals.