English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "keɓe" ita ce a ware ko katse daga wani abu, ko kuma rashin sa hannu ko sha'awa. Hakanan yana iya nufin zama marar son kai, haƙiƙa, ko rashin son zuciya a cikin ra'ayi ko hukunce-hukuncen mutum. Wani ma'anar keɓe shine a raba jiki ko cire shi daga babban tsari ko rukuni.

Sentence Examples

  1. Finally, a black shadow detached itself from beneath the overhang of a large beech.
  2. Several others were seated on a concrete patio behind the house, and in between the house and the detached garage, at least a dozen men were playing football despite the heavy darkness.
  3. The locomotive, which was slowly approaching with deafening whistles, was that which, having been detached from the train, had continued its route with such terrific rapidity, carrying off the unconscious engineer and stoker.
  4. The train, now detached from the engine, remained a little behind, whilst the locomotive rushed forward with increased speed.
  5. Two Arch-Realmers detached themselves from the fray and came over.
  6. He was dancing with Samantha, a detached expression on his face.
  7. Not far off rose Ellora, with its graceful pagodas, and the famous Aurungabad, capital of the ferocious Aureng-Zeb, now the chief town of one of the detached provinces of the kingdom of the Nizam.
  8. Gathering her hair up into a hat and putting on a pair of Ray-Bans, she headed for the detached garage.
  9. Even still, I felt completely detached from the situation.
  10. They detached and the bird lifted into the sky, disappearing over the trees again.