English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai halakarwa" ita ce:sifa: haddasa babbar lalacewa, cutarwa, ko rauni; lalacewa ko halaka a cikin yanayi; mai kula da lalata ko rushewa. Makamantu sun haɗa da: mai lalacewa, mai cutarwa, mai lahani, ɓarna, ɓarna, bala'i, halakarwa, rugujewa, ɓarna, da ɓarna. Antonyms sun haɗa da: m, fa'ida, taimako, da kuma ingantawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was discovered over twenty years ago-a metal with extreme destructive abilities.
  2. Remember, muskrats are pests that do their destructive burrowing under cover of nightfall.
  3. It was everything Peter was, everything that was wrong with this town, all rolled into one flashing, destructive, mindless instant.
  4. The third section, Reaction Contraction, will help us understand our reactions to our thinking and how those reactions can lead to even more destructive beliefs.
  5. All she was good for was turning a man into a destructive monster.
  6. You hold its destructive power in your hands, control it, channel it.
  7. I need to know how much leeway I can safely give without destructive forces coming into play.
  8. The problem is that unhappiness fuels our destructive actions in the first place.
  9. Powicke In the Double Bind Study, we got a chance to see how destructive it can be to intertwine two ideas together without thinking through the consequences of such a marriage of meanings.
  10. Pressure treating allows electric and telephone utilities to put poles into the ground where they resist rotting and destructive insects for many years.