English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hallaka" ita ce lalata ko rushe wani abu gaba ɗaya, don haifar da lalacewa ko cutarwa maras misaltuwa, ko kawo ƙarshen wani abu. Yana iya nufin halakar jiki ko kuma lalata ra'ayi ko ra'ayi. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar don bayyana aikin cin galaba akan wani ko wani abu ta hanyar yanke hukunci.


  1. demolish

Sentence Examples

  1. It was foretold that one day this blood would either destroy the world or save it.
  2. After much struggle and strife, the other gods banded together and ultimately sacrificed their own lives to destroy Ezanathul and put an end to his reign of horror.
  3. I might have to find your kin before I can destroy her.
  4. How could she be expected to destroy him when he was at his most vulnerable?
  5. Jack wondered how long it would be before Richard managed to destroy what little they had.
  6. But was it enough to break a whole pack and destroy a witch coven?
  7. I had to get to the Silver Claws and see what I could do to destroy them.
  8. But her lies, regardless of her good intentions, are about to destroy everyone she has worked so hard to protect.
  9. The forces of Velkarath are rising and their eventual end game is to destroy us.
  10. Now she would be the one to destroy every sacred truth he had ever held dear, and her urge to laugh dissolved into an urge to weep.

TV Series Examples



and when to destroy his enemies.