English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsara" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi, amma wasu ma'anoni na gama gari sun haɗa da: Sana'a ko tsarin tsarawa da ƙirƙirar wani abu. yawanci samfuri, gini, ko tsari. Shiri ko zane da aka samar don nuna kamanni da aiki ko aikin wani abu kafin a gina shi ko a yi shi. wani mataki ko yanke shawara. Tsarin kayan ado ko zane-zane ko tsari.Gaba ɗaya, kalmar "tsara" tana nufin tsarin ƙirƙirar wani abu tare da takamaiman manufa. ko niyya a zuciya, kuma yana iya tattare da ayyuka da yawa tun daga tsarawa da tunani zuwa zane da aiwatarwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The living area was decorated in a waterfall of color, somehow complimenting the otherwise minimalist design.
  2. This nonsensical design was holding everything up.
  3. A large man, too well dressed to be a servant or a labourer, he wore a tight leather jacket that strained over a well fed paunch, knee high leather riding boots, and a dark brown cloak of close spun wool was held in place by a large, round silver clasp with a twisted leaf design pinned on his shoulder.
  4. Simple in design, the main parts of the farmhouse face away from the road in favour of the view of the coast towards Arrieta, the front wall containing a little used entrance door and two small windows.
  5. Fascinated by the intricacies of the design, she shifted through yet another layer and admired the way it aligned with its predecessor.
  6. A large tree encompassed most of the design, with strange flying creatures perched in the branches.
  7. The broach he gave her was unmistakably French in design, and her eyes widened at the sight of it.
  8. Phileas Fogg had not concealed from Sir Francis his design of going round the world, nor the circumstances under which he set out and the general only saw in the wager a useless eccentricity and a lack of sound common sense.
  9. More by luck than by design, she managed to distance herself far enough to evade implication.
  10. The walls themselves were of many colours and design, from lurid gold and violet to vivid green.