English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "delirium" yanayi ne mai tsananin ruɗani da ruɗewa, sau da yawa tare da ruɗewa, rashin natsuwa, da zazzabi. Yanayi ne na likita wanda zai iya haifar da abubuwa daban-daban, kamar rashin lafiya, rauni, magani, ko shaye-shaye. Delirium na iya zama na ɗan lokaci ko m yanayi, kuma yana iya shafar mutane na kowane zamani. Alamomin delirium na iya bambanta dangane da tushen dalilin, amma gabaɗaya sun haɗa da ruɗani, tashin hankali, hallucinations, da canje-canje a hankali ko wayewa. Delirium na iya zama mummunan yanayin da ke buƙatar kulawar likita, kuma yana da mahimmanci a nemi magani cikin gaggawa idan kai ko wani da ka sani yana fuskantar alamun delirium.

Sentence Examples

  1. The chilli will burn their mouths and lips and the stinkweed will cause vision distortions and delirium and they will find it difficult to put a sensible sentence together.
  2. A cruel, wretched heat, like that of a violent fever you know will take your life after the delirium hits, rolled off his body.
  3. The clamour cut through any delirium that had followed the lightning, and Kadmus could see and hear again.
  4. A DELIRIUM between sleep and waking madness had claimed Kadmus, and his mind seemed to leave his body, flitting about the cavern to the delighted cackles of the Kabeiri.
  5. But the sad truth dawned on her, hours afterwards as she stirred from delirium.
  6. In fact, the blood so long accumulating in the vessels of my head and throat, and which had hitherto buoyed up my spirits with madness and delirium, had now begun to retire within their proper channels, and the distinctness which was thus added to my perception of the danger, merely served to deprive me of the self-possession and courage to encounter it.
  7. From the sounds he was making, she figured he was in some kind of delirium.
  8. He would remain in his shop and home, warming himself in front of the glowing embers of his fireplace, while others of the faith basked in religious delirium.
  9. It appeared that he had suffered some convulsion, some delirium, and that he had fallen that the fall had accelerated his end, according to the prognosis of Frere Sylvain.
  10. Enervated, prostrate, and breathless, he became unconscious of outward objects he seemed to be entering that vague delirium preceding death.