English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "da hankali" ita ce yin wani abu a cikin fasaha da ƙwarewa, tare da ƙwarewa da ƙwarewa. Yana nufin yin wani abu cikin sauƙi, basira, da sauri, ba tare da yin kuskure ko kuskure ba. Ana amfani da kalmar sau da yawa don bayyana iyawar mutum don gudanar da wani aiki ko yanayi tare da daidaito da alheri.

Sentence Examples

  1. Was I once so small and young, he mused as Jenny deftly climbed up behind him?
  2. Crash slid deftly into the chair and laid his hands on the controls with a smile.
  3. He deftly leapt atop Llamrei and yanked Lance up into the saddle behind him as the boys scrambled from their positions and pelted through the smoke, some dodging choking cops along the way, and headed for their waiting cars and trucks.
  4. This time Lance did not dance away, but deftly swung his sword up and around to easily deflect the powerful blow.
  5. The moon was rising, full and silver-bright when he led her through the streets, deftly navigating the traffic.
  6. As it sprang he deftly unslung his backpack and swung it out in front.
  7. Wyatt, his eyebrows raised, placed his glass on the table and took the purse, deftly pulling the securing string loose so he could observe the contents.
  8. Seated next to her Richard took her hand in his and deftly slid his gift into her palm.
  9. Arthur spurred Llamrei on to an even faster gallop, deftly maneuvering between cars and trucks to put a little distance between him and his pursuers.
  10. Gripping it with both hands, he deftly lifted it and began to whirl it around as if it was a wooden staff.