English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kare" yana da alaƙa da ko an yi niyya don tsaro, musamman a cikin yanayin wasanni inda ake nufi da alaƙa ko ƙwarewa akan tsaro maimakon kai hari. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsananin damuwa da kare kanshi ko ra'ayinsa, ayyuka, ko imaninsa, galibi yana haifar da halin faɗa ko karewa. Bugu da ƙari, "tsarin tsaro" na iya kwatanta matsayi ko matsayi wanda aka yi nufin kare kansa ko wani abu daga cutarwa ko hari.

Sentence Examples

  1. Clearly on the defensive, Jack watched for each new attack and met them with practiced ease.
  2. He lifted his head, grabbed the gun, and slid it under his belly before resuming his defensive position.
  3. Being in the corner, there had been just enough room for the child to sit on the cold metal ground, her knees held against her chest by defensive arms.
  4. She wore a defensive shell I recognised all too clearly.
  5. Feeling defensive, I decided to throw it back at him.
  6. His arms were out in a defensive position, and he looked ready to execute a few Jiu-Jitsu moves.
  7. Startled, he dropped form, snapping into a defensive stance.
  8. Adopting a defensive stance at his back, she protected him while he centered himself with a lightning-quick bit of meditation.
  9. Jason took up a defensive stance with his arms out and his knees bent.
  10. When I again speak, I note a defensive ring in my voice.