English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kin barewa" ita ce fatar barewa, wadda aka saba amfani da ita wajen kera tufafi, safar hannu, da sauran abubuwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. He wore a vest of garnet-colored velvet, with buttons of cut gold a silk waistcoat covered with embroidery a Roman scarf tied round his neck a cartridge-box worked with gold, and red and green silk sky-blue velvet breeches, fastened above the knee with diamond buckles garters of deerskin, worked with a thousand arabesques, and a hat whereon hung ribbons of all colors two watches hung from his girdle, and a splendid poniard was in his belt.
  2. As he approached, nothing was audible but the rattling of the light silver ornaments that loaded his arms and neck, and the tinkling of the little bells that fringed his deerskin moccasins.
  3. After Murdock left the pool and had dried off, he received an image of a deerskin, then a mixture of rapid images.
  4. Using the deerskin, they both worked on a dress for Rose.
  5. The leather was true deerskin he had brain-tanned them himself.
  6. A belt of leather kept his deerskin breeches in place while providing him with a place to attach his sword.
  7. The gourd was one of the usual little vessels used by the Indians, and it was suspended from a dead branch of a small pine, by a thong of deerskin, at the full distance of a hundred yards.
  8. Then he skinned the wolf carcasses and put the pelts on the travois with the deerskin.