English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ado" ita ce ƙara kayan ado ko kayan ado a cikin wani abu don haɓaka kamanninsa ko kyawunsa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga ba da lambar yabo ko karramawa don samun nasara na musamman, kamar ƙawayen sojan yaƙi ko ƙawata ɗan wasa. A kowane hali, kalmar "adon" tana nuna cewa an gane wani abu ko wani ko an inganta shi ta wata hanya.


  1. adorned

Sentence Examples

  1. The stone walls were decorated with health and safety signs and pictures of Beach Town and fire chiefs.
  2. His eyes wandered the demon decorated room of their own accord, no longer caring what happened to him, wishing only for release.
  3. He pulled his shirt off and patches of dried sweat decorated the underarms.
  4. The living area was decorated in a waterfall of color, somehow complimenting the otherwise minimalist design.
  5. On entering, they found themselves in a large room handsomely decorated, at the end of which was a large camp-bed furnished with cushions.
  6. It smashed and glass and whisky decorated the walls and floor.
  7. The room was airy and bright, decorated in soft creams.
  8. A formal garden of raked picón, decorated with a smattering of smooth basalt stones and a few boulders, and containing nothing save a row of sedges at the edges, greets visitors on their way to the museum entrance.
  9. The house was painted in accordance with tradition, decorated in three different colors to embellish the architectural details deep purple, light lavender, and stark white.
  10. The room was decorated simply, but it was warm and elegant.