English to hausa meaning of

Akwai wasu ma'anoni daban-daban masu yuwuwar ma'anar kalmar "decker," dangane da mahallin. Ga ‘yan ma’anar ƙamus mai yiwuwa:(noun) mutumin da ke yin bene ko ƙawata wani abu, musamman ma wanda ke aiki a kan jirgin ruwa ko kuma wanda ke girka ko kula da bene a kan gini. /li> (noun) babban hanu akan jirgi (suna) abin hawa ko jirgin ruwa, musamman ma kwale-kwale ko bas mai hawa biyu(adjective) wanda ya ƙunshi ko samun ƙayyadadden adadin benaye, kamar a cikin jirgin ruwa mai hawa biyu ko sandwich mai hawa ukuYa kamata a lura cewa "decker" ba kalma ce da aka saba amfani da ita a yau da kullum ba. , don haka mahallin da kuka haɗu da shi zai iya ba ku fahimtar abin da ake nufi a wannan yanayin.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Volvo B9TL Gemini-type double decker looked a shadow of its former self.
  2. Decker raised his bow and sent an arrow into the branches.
  3. Jed, Burrell and Decker had been brought up in Thantos, where anything to do with witches, wizards, and unearthly creepy stuff was met with the sword, the noose or burning, or all three.
  4. Decker went to his horse and took off the saddle bags, inside one was a small skin of brandy, taking a swig he went and sat next to Jed and Burrell.
  5. She pointed at the Black & Decker Workmate, a woodworking vise.
  6. Breaker wanted to spend a bit of time with the dogs and Burrell, Decker and Jed had no opinions on the matter.
  7. By the time Burrell and Decker reached him, Jed was frantically trying to wriggle his whole body so whatever had a hold of him would lose their grip.
  8. The other two, Burrell and Decker, had bows, if they could just catch sight of them, they might be able to take them down.
  9. Ghale took one of the wagons with Decker and Burrell tied up beside him.
  10. Bella had unnerved Jed, Burrell and Decker by sitting in front of them and laying out tarot cards, her face becoming more unreadable as she went on.