English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bashi" shine yanayin bashin kuɗi ga wani ko wani abu, yawanci sakamakon rance ko amfani da bashi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu da ake bi bashi ko abin da ya kamata, kamar wajibcin ɗabi'a ko na shari'a. Gabaɗaya, bashi wani abin alhaki ne, wajibcin kuɗi ne wanda wani ɓangare ya yi wa wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. With family members in debt and secret meetings, Kellan learns that the Paddingtons might not be as clean-cut as everyone thinks.
  2. But whatever Avellaneda and his book may be, we must not forget the debt we owe them.
  3. I know my father has been searching for him since you came back to let him know the debt has been paid, but he has had no luck.
  4. Also, there was a very limited understanding of the different characteristics of equity and debt.
  5. Then he would tell her that she had fulfilled her debt to him this evening.
  6. Their search unearthed a ledger that revealed the shopkeeper was in debt to the tune of an eye-wateringly high amount of gold.
  7. The rails made him wealthy, but he confessed bitterness for an industry now plagued with enormous debt and ongoing labor strikes.
  8. I owe him and his family a debt which can never be repaid.
  9. We agreed to swear that oath in good faith as a debt of gratitude for the assistance rendered to us by King Markazon and you, his wizard.
  10. The estates he had inherited from his father had been riddled with debt and he had been forced to pursue a military career, which he did with success.

TV Series Examples



l'm half a kingdom in debt