English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "dated" na iya kasancewa ɗaya daga cikin waɗannan: na zamani ko kuma na yanzu. Misali: "Tsarin wannan mota yana da kwanan wata kuma ya yi kama da tsohon-kera." Misali: "Ina bukatan sabunta wannan takarda kafin in iya shigar da ita."

Sentence Examples

  1. I remember it was written from Weymouth, and dated Sept.
  2. A suave investment broker had dated her for almost two years, even promised to marry her.
  3. He was still fumbling when her brow knit and she stepped forward, giving closer scrutiny to the dated scraps of paper.
  4. It is only a line dated from Castle Dracula, and says that he is just starting for home.
  5. He drinks there I seen him there before we dated and after.
  6. Pam had dated more men in the last year than other thirty-three-year-old women had in a lifetime.
  7. The scrolled ironwork of the door dated from the late Saxon period and contained a dove carrying an olive branch in its beak.
  8. He was still single, dated on and off through the years, but nothing serious.
  9. Em said I dated different men more often than she changed underwear.
  10. The glossy black-and-white finish to the print dated it seventies or early eighties.