English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "dampen" ita ce sanya wani abu ɗan jike ko ɗanɗano, ko rage ƙarfi ko ƙarfin wani abu, kamar ji, sauti, ko aiki. Hakanan yana iya nufin kashewa ko rage sha'awar wani ko ruhinsa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The boys covered their ears, trying to dampen the deafening wine of the alarm.
  2. I could feel blood dampen my hands where the nails dug in, sweat cold on the back of my neck.
  3. Arija pressed the palms of her hands to her ears to dampen the screech.
  4. Her childish eyes lack an awe of innocence, and fresh tears dampen her sunken cheeks as she stares at a gent throwing rocks into the sea.
  5. None of them were bothering to dampen their coronas, as Adam and Mal did.
  6. Images of dangling him in the air as he gasps for breath dampen the rage inside of me.
  7. The inclement weather did not dampen the festive spirits of the duo as they got into the car.
  8. She could barely see, plus her severely impaired hearing did not dampen her spirit.
  9. He shook his head and tried to dampen the coil of dread loosening deep within him, and to ignore the chill that was spreading to his limbs.