English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar nan “la’ananne” ita ce:an hukunta shi don ya sha azaba ta har abada a cikin jahannama.an yi amfani da ita don nuna fushi ko takaici. An yi amfani da ita don jaddada magana, yawanci tare da ma'anar cewa babu shakka game da abin da aka tabbatar. tsoron kada a tsine masa jahannama domin zunubansa." "Ba zan iya yarda na rasa jirgina ba, na ji takaicin takaici!" ra'ayin. Bari mu yi."

Sentence Examples

  1. Be damned with them all, I can make my own way, my own fate and my own future.
  2. And that damned tingling was back, rising to a high-pitched whine in my ears.
  3. Over a fireplace hung a damned near life-sized painting of the minister.
  4. Maybe it was proof of my naïve idiot stupidity, but what bugged me most about the way things had gone for me at Central was the sense that it was damned impossible to do anything remotely useful, even to solve the murders that were happening right there in the office.
  5. Especially when the damned image of him in gladiator finery popped up.
  6. Jack damned fate, and anything else that got within vocal reach on the journey.
  7. Neither could hurt me, but both were damned annoying.
  8. Where was the damned typed statement I was supposed to sign?
  9. All of that had happened to me because I walked into that damned bank.
  10. The problem with magic was that it was damned impossible to use it safely even if you did know what you were doing.

TV Series Examples



I'd forgot the damned wolf.



l swear to the mother l'll pin the damned thing