English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "dainty" ita ce:Ƙarami kuma kyakkyawa: "ɗan shayi mai daɗi." Musamman yana faranta wa dandano: " a dainty dessert." Mai yawan damuwa da kamannin mutum; fastidious: "a dainty dresser." Wani abu mai laushi, mai ban sha'awa, kuma mai daɗi, musamman ƙarami, mai laushi, kuma an shirya a hankali.Misali jumla: Ta dauko kofin shayin mai dadi ta sha.

Sentence Examples

  1. This is the story I promised to tell you, and if I have been tedious in telling it, I will not be slow to serve you my hut is close by, and I have fresh milk and dainty cheese there, as well as a variety of toothsome fruit, no less pleasing to the eye than to the palate.
  2. From the dainty bare toes peeking out from beneath her gown, he followed the folds of thin, white fabric.
  3. how many letters did I write her, and how many dainty modest replies did I receive!
  4. That lady is more mighty than dainty, she is in no way squeamish, she devours all and is ready for all, and fills her alforjas with people of all sorts, ages, and ranks.
  5. Beauty by itself attracts the desires of all who behold it, and the royal eagles and birds of towering flight stoop on it as on a dainty lure but if beauty be accompanied by want and penury, then the ravens and the kites and other birds of prey assail it, and she who stands firm against such attacks well deserves to be called the crown of her husband.
  6. His vest was of some bright yellow material a white taffety cap was set jauntily on one side of his head and, to complete his equipment, a blood-red silk handkerchief enveloped his throat, and fell down, in a dainty manner, upon his bosom, in a fantastic bow-knot of super-eminent dimensions.
  7. She glanced over at me, one dainty eyebrow raised.
  8. They also put down a black dainty called, they say, caviar, and made of the eggs of fish, a great thirst-wakener.
  9. The lakes aforesaid send him their waters, and with these, and others that come to him, he makes a grand and imposing entrance into Portugal but for all that, go where he may, he shows his melancholy and sadness, and takes no pride in breeding dainty choice fish, only coarse and tasteless sorts, very different from those of the golden Tagus.
  10. Her dainty shoulders sagged from the insurmountable grief they all bore these past few days.