English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus na Turanci na Oxford, “cypress” suna ne da ke nufin bishiya mai kauri ko ciyayi tare da ƙananan mazugi da filaye masu ɗauke da ƙananan ganye masu kama da sikeli. Yawanci ana samun shi a yankin Bahar Rum, kuma galibi ana danganta shi da mutuwa da makoki a al'adun Yammacin Turai. "Cypress" na iya nufin itacen itace mai tsayi, mai ɗorewa na wannan bishiyar, wanda galibi ana amfani da shi wajen gine-gine da kuma yin kayan daki.

Sentence Examples

  1. Cypress and gum trees lined the property, and there was a swampy area further back.
  2. They were going along conversing in this way, when they saw descending a gap between two high mountains some twenty shepherds, all clad in sheepskins of black wool, and crowned with garlands which, as afterwards appeared, were, some of them of yew, some of cypress.
  3. Her eyes were set on a nearby building with unpainted walls and a gabled roof with cypress bark shingles.
  4. The shade of the cypress windbreak gave welcome relief.
  5. Crouching beneath a cypress tree, Artemis raised an arm against the pounding snows and shivered.
  6. HER SINUSES FILLED WITH THE CYPRESS pine scent trapped between hedge and weatherboard homestead.
  7. At last she reached a wall of lofty cypress bounded by a low white picket fence.
  8. They had not gone a quarter of a league when at the meeting of two paths they saw coming towards them some six shepherds dressed in black sheepskins and with their heads crowned with garlands of cypress and bitter oleander.
  9. She cleared the intimidating avenue of giant cypress trees and glimpsed pastures through tall gums.
  10. We walked into the forest, beneath a fading canopy of tall oak and cypress trees.