English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "curvature" ita ce matakin da lanƙwasa ke karkata daga madaidaiciyar layi ko yanayin lanƙwasa. Yana iya nufin adadin lankwasa ko ruku'u a cikin layi ko abu, ko lanƙwasa saman ko sarari. A cikin ilimin lissafi, curvature shine ma'auni na yadda karkatacciyar hanya ko saman ke canza alkibla a wani wuri. A cikin ilimin kimiyyar lissafi, ana kuma amfani da curvature don bayyana lankwasa lokacin sarari a ka'idar Einstein na alaƙa gabaɗaya.

Sentence Examples

  1. They stood, slouched in the gaps beside their assigned bunk, heads bowed against the low curvature of the roof.
  2. A narrow red and green striped tie hung from his neck, running over the curvature of his round stomach and terminating slightly above his belt.
  3. He had even thought of retreating beyond a curvature in the natural wall, which might still conceal him and his companions, when by the sudden gleam of intelligence that shot across the features of the savage, he saw it was too late, and that they were betrayed.
  4. Being in communion with the Ether of the Earth, its shape and curvature, he knew the exact distance and direction he would have to travel to reach Thrasa.
  5. The space-time curvature was too much for a brain accustomed to normal, three dimensional things to really process.
  6. Behind them, the curvature of the banks soon bounded the view by the same dark and wooded outline but in front, and apparently at no great distance, the water seemed piled against the heavens, whence it tumbled into caverns, out of which issued those sullen sounds that had loaded the evening atmosphere.