English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kudi" ita ce tsarin kuɗi ko hanyar musayar da ake amfani da ita a wata ƙasa ko yanki. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa yanayi ko ingancin da aka fi sani ko karɓuwa, musamman a cikin amfani ko zagayawa. Bugu da ƙari, kuɗin kuɗi na iya komawa ga aikin zama na zamani ko dacewa a wani fanni ko yanki na sha'awa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Currency tendered, Mya smiled toothlessly and turned to the half-completed and most current page in the ledger.
  2. The gold was purchased by the Swiss with Swiss francs, thus providing Berlin with the currency it needed to keep its industry functioning.
  3. I steeled myself for the sight of pounds Sterling or travelers checks or whatever sort of currency Robert had, but what he placed on the table made my jaw drop.
  4. Bennett was in the vault switching the bills when he was interrupted before he had time to withdraw the real currency.
  5. Overjoyed by their windfall, the investors hold the counterfeit bonds until full maturity while Harting and Kennard sell the cattle and crops for real currency.
  6. Maybe this gift will offer me a little currency to negotiate.
  7. It could not have purchased the raw materials needed to keep its foundries, its shipyards and munitions factories operational, without the regular supply of hard currency acceptable to its trading partners.
  8. Guns, water, and food would become the new forms of currency and security.
  9. In small southern communities, neighborliness was the currency on which everyone survived.
  10. Like currency, ownership of a bond is based on possession and is not in any way recorded or monitored.