English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "curb" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma gabaɗaya, tana nufin shinge na zahiri ko kamewa da ake amfani da shi don sarrafawa ko iyakance wani abu. Ga wasu ma’anoni masu yiwuwa:An ɗaga gefen siminti ko dutse a gefen titi, titin titi, ko titin mota, wanda ake amfani da shi don hana ababen hawa tsallakawa zuwa wurin masu tafiya. Maɗauri ko sarƙa da ake amfani da su don sarrafa ko takurawa doki, musamman ma lokacin da ake hawansa ko jagoransa. . Don kame ko sarrafa wani abu, yawanci motsin rai ko motsin rai. Don rage ko rage tsananin ko tsananin wani abu, kamar zafi ko yunwa. ol>


  1. check
  2. bridle

Sentence Examples

  1. If not for his knowledge and guidance, I would have already tossed him to the curb.
  2. We spun away from the curb and accelerated through the next intersection.
  3. The closer I get to Rampart, however, the more damage I spot, blue tarps on the roofs to keep the rain out, piles of mildewed sheetrock by the curb.
  4. After Roma parked on the curb, I thanked her, then hurried to catch up to Lynx.
  5. He must have heard me drive up for TB is halfway to the curb by the time I turn off the engine.
  6. The jar picked up momentum and, just as I reached down to grab it, it slammed into the curb, splashing liquid on my hand.
  7. Another SUV waited for me by the curb, the engine idling.
  8. Fifteen minutes later, she parked the Bug on the brick-lined curb in front of the familiar yard.
  9. It was time to let my spectacular curb appeal charm the rest before I found myself on the wrong side of town and living in a doghouse.
  10. He gives me a cheesy wink and looks poised to come over when Shirley stands back on the curb, all proud in her lurid green dress, and raises the remote high in her hand.