English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "crypt" tana da ma'anoni ƙamus da yawa dangane da mahallin: inda aka shiga cikin manyan mutane da yawa cikin shekaru da yawa. gidan sarauta. Yin amfani da ko shigar da dabarun ɓoye bayanan sirri don tabbatar da sadarwa: Hukumar gwamnati ta ƙirƙiri tsarin crypt don kare bayanan sirri. maƙarƙashiyar ta ziyarci kabarin mahaifinta.

Sentence Examples

  1. Both she and her husband are buried in the Imperial Crypt.
  2. He confirmed that it certainly looked like one of the many coffin keys belonging to the crypt, but he was otherwise noncommittal.
  3. Over the next three hundred and fifty years, the crypt was modified and expanded many times by emperors who wore the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, the Austrian imperial crown, and the Hungarian crown of St.
  4. Open to the public, the crypt is one of the little hidden gems of Vienna.
  5. Before entering the Habsburg necropolis, he unfolded the relevant pages of the Francis diary he had copied and, taking a deep breath, entered the crypt.
  6. It is almost certain that the last entries in the diary were written in the crypt, and what transpired there is perhaps the most astonishing and intriguing aspect of this entire story.
  7. A stairway to the right of the church leads down into the crypt below.
  8. Blood of fallen Anduains coated the walls of the small crypt in gory splatters.
  9. What makes the Imperial Crypt so unique is the fact that with one exception, all one hundred and forty-five persons buried there belong to one family, the Habsburgs, and include twelve emperors and seventeen empresses.
  10. The two coffins were placed on trestles previously prepared for their reception in the right-hand crypt belonging to the Saint-Méran family.