English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "crutch" wata na'ura ce da ake amfani da ita don tallafawa ko taimaka wa mutum wajen tafiya, yawanci yana kunshe da doguwar sanda tare da guntun giciye a saman wanda ya dace a ƙarƙashin hannu. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa tallafi na misalta ko taimako ga wani, kamar kuɗaɗɗen motsin rai ko kuɗin kuɗi. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "ƙuƙwalwa" azaman fi'ili ma'ana don tallafawa ko haɓakawa, kamar a cikin "ta murkushe kanta a bango."

Sentence Examples

  1. As she slept, clutching her crutch like a pillow, her face looked peaceful and her breathing was gentle.
  2. Noa slid off the bed and down the ladder, crutch in hand, and waited for Ashley.
  3. Holding back her bile, Noa gave Ashley her crutch, released her, and then rolled the waste bin to the side.
  4. She only wanted Darkwing to see her as more than a crutch.
  5. Grabbing her crutch, Ashley hobbled quickly toward them.
  6. Ashley stared at her a beat too long, but then sat up and quietly handed Noa her crutch.
  7. My parents were liberal college professors who claimed religion was a crutch for the ignorant.
  8. She could just make out Ashley hobbling on her crutch.
  9. I limped across soggy grass outside the compound, a crutch braced under one arm.
  10. Her dancing partner, who called himself Pablo, proved strong enough to keep Tom upright and serve as a crutch all the way up the path that led from the beach to the sidewalk.