English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙauna" tana cikin hanyar da ke haifar da ciwo ko wahala ga wasu da gangan. Yana nufin ɗabi'a ko ayyuka waɗanda ke nuna rashin tausasawa, tausayi, ko jin ƙai ga wasu, kuma yana iya haɗawa da cutar da jiki, ta rai, ko ta hankali. Hakanan yana iya nuna jin daɗin jin daɗi ko gamsuwa wajen haifar da ciwo ko wahala ga wasu.

Sentence Examples

  1. In the meantime I was not able to forbear groaning and shedding tears, and turning my head towards my sides letting him know, as well as I could, how cruelly I was hurt by the pressure of his thumb and finger.
  2. Cruelly he spurred the horse forwards, flesh squashing as easily as ripened fruit below the iron-shod hooves.
  3. Its covert ridicule of rulers, courts, statesmen, and political organizations was so severe and cut so ruthlessly and cruelly deep, that only its diabolical cleverness prevented its suppression and instead lent it an unprecedented popularity.
  4. It groaned as the rollers turned cruelly beneath the belt, beneath the table, beneath my back.
  5. Mason wondered whether the killer was using the name as a cover, or if he was cruelly mocking them, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs all the way to a dead end.
  6. He had just fancied they were cruelly deserted by their scout, as a stream of flame issued from the rock beneath them, and a fierce yell, blended with a shriek of agony, announced that the messenger of death sent from the fatal weapon of Hawkeye, had found a victim.
  7. That is a wonderful machine, but it is cruelly true.
  8. Bare fluorescent tubes were hot and cruelly bright.
  9. Poor Edmond, he was cruelly deceived but it was fortunate that he never knew, or he might have found it more difficult, when on his deathbed, to pardon his enemies.
  10. With eyes closed he endured the likenesses of dead friends, seared cruelly upon his memories.