English to hausa meaning of

Sentence Examples

  1. Sintian leaned against the archway, blocking their exit, arms crossed and smiling at their approach.
  2. I wait until Shirley has crossed the road and is making her way across the concourse before I set off.
  3. I crossed the road in a zigzag to avoid the thrashing tail, which left dents wherever it struck the tarmac.
  4. Its lupine head snapped towards Evan as he crossed its path.
  5. His hands rest casually behind his back and one leg is crossed behind the other.
  6. I crossed the car park to my vehicle, and hit the touch screen to accept the call.
  7. We followed the headlights of our car into Orleans Parish once we crossed over from Metairie, the Jefferson Parish suburb showing signs of life due to it being on the unbreached end of the broken levees.
  8. Her gaze was fixed on him, so perhaps she had seen the brief frown that had crossed his face.
  9. She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to level a neutral expression on him, but every line of her body was aggressive, and her eyes were mulish.
  10. I crossed the car park quickly, in time to see a pale-looking supervisor raise his communicator and project his voice across the crowd.